TJB Gelbvieh Bull Sale
November 7, 2015
Chickamauga, Georgia
Auctioneer: Dale Stith
Reported by: Todd J. Bickett DVM
Sale Averages
33 Gelbvieh & Balancer® Yearling Bulls $4,040
5 Commercial Cows $2,050
TJB Gelbvieh extended their very best of southern hospitality to an enthusiastic crowd of customers and family on a wet and nasty day in Chickamauga, Georgia. The outstanding set of yearling bulls was greatly appreciated and the sale was a great success. Leading the sale was Lot 1 TJB Addiction 417B, a BA75 Gunslinger son by one of the premier donors in the TJB program, 921U. He was purchased by Sleepy Creek Lands, LLC for $8,000 and will also be utilized in the AI program at TJB Gelbvieh. The next two bulls in the ring were also Gunslinger sons out of a full sister to 921U, TJB Anissa 913U. Sleepy Creek purchased Lot 2 for $6,500 and Lot 3 went to B/K Cattle Company in Missouri for $5,750.
Lot 5 was one of two red bulls in the sale sired by TJB Vasquez selling to Sleepy Creek for $6,800. Lot 25 was another Gunslinger sired bull out of TJB’s Vickie Vail family and he had many friends sale day but ultimately went to Bar IV Ranch in Kentucky for $7,300. B/K Cattle Company added a true calving ease sire by Derringer out of a full sister to resident herd sires Vasquez and Valero for $6,000. Finishing out the first pen of bulls was a Vasquez sired bull going to Jeff Hopper in Woodland, Alabama for $5,000 and a full brother to Valero going to Circle K Farms in KY for $4,500.
The rest of the sale was very consistent and sold in the $2,800 to $4000 range. The five commercial bred cows averaged $2,050 to finish the sale. Volume buyer was Sleepy Creek Lands, LLC.
TJB Gelbvieh will hold their 5th sale next year on the first Saturday in November. Please visit their web site at to visit their program and sign up for future sale information. The sale will be approximately doubled next season and should be approaching 80 bulls.