Schroeder Ranch 15th Annual Bull Sale

Mitchell, S.D.
Sale Manager: Mettler Sale Management
Reported by: Jerry Mettler

Black Balancer® Bulls      $4,700
Red Balancer® Bulls         $3,911
Black Purebred Bulls       $2,667
Red Purebred Bulls         $3,208
46 Total Bulls                   $4,000

A beautiful sunny day helped to highlight an incredibly strong set of Gelbvieh and Balancer® bulls offered by Schroeder Ranch, Inc. The best crowd ever was treated to bulls that were fed and managed for longevity and soundness. 

Topping the sale was Lot 1, SGRI Jacked-Up Z704. This tremendous herdsire was the 2013 People’s Choice Balancer Bull Futurity runner-up, sired by the infamous SITZ Upward 307R. He is a February 16, 2012 homozygous polled, black Balancer with incredible performance (860 lbs. WW; 1,627 lbs. YW) out of a Jackhammer sired dam. His 16.2 inch ribeye area was only topped by ‘off the charts’ weaning weight and yearling weight EPDs. LeDoux Ranch, Andy and Danielle LeDoux, Agenda, Kan., had the final bid at $17,000.

Lot 3, another homozygous black Balancer bull, SGRI Alexandria Z707, was the next high seller at $6,000.  Dean Baker, Mt. Vernon, S.D., added this February 19, 2012 SITZ Upward 307R son to his bull battery. With Final Answer and Big ‘N Rich both represented in his dam’s pedigree, he has unlimited breed changing potential.

Lot 15, SGRI Bryant Z804, is a 50 percent black Balancer bull that sold for $5,750 to Kevin Larson, Hartford, S.D. Sired by LT In Reach 9024 (by Mytty In Focus) he has calving ease numbers with performance, shape, and mass, along with a 16.4 inch ribeye area. The LT In Reach calves were highly sought after throughout the sale.

Another SITZ Upward 307R sired, homozygous black Balancer bull, Lot 2, SGRI Alcester Z703 sold to long-time satisfied customer, Sid Meyer, Meyer Ranch, Rock Rapids, Iowa for $5,500. A heifer bull, coupled with performance and calving ease EPDs, will add pounds and value to the future Meyer calf crops.

A March 29, 2012, red Balancer bull sold for $5,500 to repeat customer Robert Ziebart, Plankinton, S.D.  Lot 49, SGRI Kimball Z786, was sired by HFX RD Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 5 and held bragging rights to the number one adjusted 365-day weight for red Balancer bulls in the offering at 1,443 pounds. This youngster, with a 15.89 inch ribeye area, may well have been one of the very best red Balancer bulls to sell anywhere in the country.

Two bulls left the sale ring for $5,000 each. Lot 6, SGRI Belle Fourche Z708, was one of three bulls Colby Smith, Boone, Iowa purchased via DVAuction. This black Balancer LT In Reach 9024 son gained 4.64 pounds per day to adjust for a 1,443 pound yearling weight. He could have easily led off the sale such was his quality.

The other $5,000 bull was Lot 36, SGRI Gregory Z805, going to Steven Miles, Montrose, S.D. Here again was a red Balancer calf sired by HXC Jackhammer 8800U with weaning weight EPDs in the top one percent of the breed and yet another bull measuring over a 15 inch ribeye area. Jackhammer sired calves dominated the red Balancer offering for the entire sale.

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