Feist Gelbvieh 30th Annual Bull Sale
March 12, 2018
Bowman Auction Market, Bowman, North Dakota
Scott Weishaar, Auctioneer
Sale Averages:
14 Balancer® Bulls $4,243
9 Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls $3,722
A small crowd of predominately long-time customers from three states attended the sale.
Topping the sale was Balancer EH3, selling to the first-time customer Zimmerman Gelbvieh of Dawson, North Dakota for $8,750. EH3 is a calving ease bull sired by Lee’s Turning Point; he is homozygous black bull with EPD numbers in the top 5 percent of the breed.
Long-time customer, Lex Burghduff, of Ludlow, South Dakota, purchased Balancer E49 for $7,250, a Lee’s Ten X son. He is a homozygous black bull with explosive growth and high marbling numbers. Burghduff also took home E34 and E27 for $4,000 each.
Gerald Burghduff, of Camp Crook, South Dakota, purchased two purebred, red bulls sired by PHG Candy Man. Lot E16 sold for $4,250 and Lot E42 sold for $4,000.
Volume buyer was long-time buyer, Jim Bingaman, of Prairie City, South Dakota. He purchased five high performance, red purebred bulls.