21st Flying H Genetics Grown on Grass—Fescue Adapted Herd Bull Sale

March 17, 2018

Butler, Missouri

Reported by Dick Helms

A great crowd of repeat and new customers evaluated the 110 bulls and 50 registerable bred heifers on a cool March Saturday. Cattle sold into eight states with several volume buyers.

Topping the Balancer division was a Homozygous Black BHSF Prophet B006 son with 5 Star Genetics for Disposition, Growth, Muscle, Carcass, Maternal and Forageability! Engeman Ranch kept him in Missouri with a bid of $6,750. The Balancers averaged $4,000.

Lot 55, the top selling FUSION–a composite of Angus, Gelbvieh and Simmental—a Prophet B006 son with superior 5 Star genetics topped this division at $5,500 going to Leachman Cattle of Colorado.

Topping the sale was Lot 110, a Ten X sired SimAngus that was a “Show Me Select” heifer bull who also produced 5 Star ratings for disposition, growth, muscle, carcass and forageability. Pine Creek Simmentals paid $8,600 for this homozygous black herd bull. Other top selling SimAngus went to Kentucky and Missouri for $8,000 and Anthony Creek Cattle purchased a 5 Star Robust x Lucky Man for $7,900. The SimAngus averaged $4,287.

The Red Angus topped out with a Flashback 446B son going to Grant Farms for $6,000.

Sale average on the bulls was $4,032 and the heifers, bred to calve this fall, averaged $1884 plus the registration premium.