Animal Registration Resources

One of the American Gelbvieh Association’s primary purposes is to provide registration and transfer services to members. The AGA registers Gelbvieh, Balancer® and Gelbvieh-influenced cattle.

Gelbvieh Breed Designations

Fullblood (FB)

Fullblood Gelbvieh are a 100 percent Gelbvieh animal and can only be the result of two fullblood parents.

Purebred (PB)

Animals that are 81.6 to 99.9 percent Gelbvieh are considered purebred Gelbvieh. Animals who are 91.1 to 99.9 percent Gelbvieh will contribute 50 percent Gelbvieh breed composition to their progeny


Balancer® cattle are a combination of 25 percent (1/4) to 75 percent (3/4) Gelbvieh and 25 percent (1/4) to 75 percent (3/4) Angus or Red Angus with a maximum of 12.5 percent (1/8) unknown or other breed.

To register a Balancer® animal the sire and dam must be recorded by an officially recognized organization (AGA, American Angus Association, Red Angus Association of America, Canadian Angus Association, Canadian Gelbvieh Association) and at least 75 percent of the pedigree must be known and documented by the AGA and/or another officially recognized registration association.

Southern Balancer™

A Southern Balancer™ is an animal that contains a minimum of 25 percent (1/4) Gelbvieh with 6.25 percent (1/16) to 50 percent (1/2) tropically adapted breed or combination of tropically adapted breeds.

To register a Southern Balancer the sire and dam must each be a registered animal and recognized or recorded with a breed association. A minimum of 75 percent of the pedigree must be known and documented by the AGA and/or another officially recognized registration association. Tropically adapted breeds with open herd books, such as Brangus and Red Brangus, will have identification of percent Brahman and percent Angus rather than percent Brangus.

Suggested tropically adapted breeds: Beefmaster, Braford, Brahman, Brangus, Red Brangus, Senepol, and Santa Gertrudis.

AGA Registry

In addition to the above Gelbvieh designations, an animal of any breed or cross may be recorded within the AGA Registry and the breed percentage of the animal will be listed on the registry and on the animal’s registration certificate.

The American Gelbvieh Association’s custom naming option allows for members to have an AGA approved name appear on the registration certificate of animals that fit into the percentage designation. This custom name will appear on the animal’s registry page on the top of the registration certificate.

AI Sires and Donor Dam Requirements:

Genomic Option 1 (GGPHD) – $85.00
Conditions Panel – $30.00 add-on
These animals must be parent verified to their sire and dam on file. Parents of these animals with need to have Stand Alone Parentage – $15.00.

Herd Sire Requirements:

Genomic Option 2 (GGP-LD) – $46

Important Dates to Remember

  • January 1 – Annual Herd Assessments available on online AGA registry system. Paper copies will be mailed to those memberships that do not utilize the online registry system.
  • January 1 – AGJA annual dues are due. AGA dues are due on the annual membership date for each membership.
  • March 15 – Annual Herd Assessments are due.
  • August 1 – Dam of Merit and Dam of Distinction data due. October – Submit DNA samples for national sale futurity animals.
  • November 1 – Junior Dues mailed to AGJA members.

International Year Codes

2013 = A            2027 = R
2014 = B            2028 = S
2015 = C            2029 = T
2016 = D           2030 = U
2017 = E            2031 = W
2018 = F            2032 = X
2019 = G            2033 = Y
2020 = H            2034 = Z
2021 = J             2035 = A
2022 = K             2036 = B
2023 = L             2037 = C
2024 = M            2038 = D
2025 = N            2039 = E
2026 = P             2040 = F

Breed Abbreviations

AN – Angus
BR – Brahman
BN – Brangus
CH – Charolais
GV – Gelbvieh
HH – Hereford (Horned)
HP – Hereford (Polled)
LM – Limousin
AR – Red Angus
SA – Salers
SS – Shorthorn
SM – Simmental