The Profit Picture
The Profit Picture is the commercially-focused magazine that is published by the American Gelbvieh Association twice annually – February and September – in place of Gelbvieh World. With a circulation of 40,000, The Profit Picture focuses on issues important to producers in all segments of the beef industry.
Read the most recent issue below
Subscription to The Profit Picture is free! Those who have a subscription to Gelbvieh World also receive The Profit Picture. If you would like to receive your free subscription please fill out the form below.
Click Here- Profit Picture Subscription Sign up Form
Advertising in Gelbvieh World and The Profit Picture is a great way to put your program, service or product in the most-read publication by Gelbvieh producers. There are several advertising options to fit any budget. See the media kit below for advertising rates, sizes and for more information or to advertise in Gelbvieh World or The Profit Picture, call 303-465-2333.
Gelbvieh World & Profit Picture Media Kit
Year-Round Advertising Specials:
Breeder Block Contract
Breeder blocks are a business card sized ad that appear in all 11 issues of Gelbvieh World and The Profit Picture. See the Breeder Block Contract pdf.
State Round Up Advertising
Want to advertise in the issues with the greatest circulation? Consider placing a Round Up ad in the February Profit Picture, July Gelbvieh World, or the October Profit Picture. Savings are also available when you advertise in all three issues. Round Up ads are smaller ads that are grouped by state or region. See the State Round Up Advertising form pdf.
For individualized assistance developing a marketing plan for your program contact AGA Marketing Staff at 303-465-2333.
Click on this for past issues of Profit Picture.