Attending Local Shows Equates to Great Breed Promotion by Jesse Henson
Hi, everyone! Hope you are having a great fall thus far. I know it’s a busy time of year, but I wanted to discuss a little bit about junior livestock shows. Most local and state fairs are winding
up by this point, and our juniors have represented well. I have been fortunate enough this fall to travel to a lot of fairs and shows, and I have to say, it is always refreshing to see our Gelbvieh breed
represented at those shows.
I think that it is very important for our American Gelbvieh Junior Association members to attend local and state shows. While we all love our AGJA Junior Classic and other national shows, and enjoy being around our Gelbvieh family, these mixed breed shows are the best time to promote the breed.
Living in Oklahoma for the past three years, I’ve been able to attend a lot more junior livestock shows. What I’ve noticed from these shows is that whether we’re talking about kids from the same FFA or 4-H chapter, or kids that have never met, they seem to create friendships at these shows. From this, families and different breeds start mingling and people start seeing other people’s cattle. I can say it’s true for Oklahoma at least, but when this happens the quality Gelbvieh cattle that juniors bring to these shows always impress them. This leads to great promotion for the breed.
I know some more local shows fire back up in the spring, so just some thoughts to keep in mind. The more we can display and exhibit our cattle around the local, state, or national level, the
more promotion it offers for the breed. And while the American Royal is now behind us, the fall and winter will be filled with the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky, and the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado, which showcases the breed at the National Gelbvieh and Balancer National Show.