Association Contacts
The American Gelbvieh Association headquarters office is located in Broomfield, Colorado. The majority of the AGA staff works out of the headquarters office and handles the day-to-day business of the association including animal registrations and transfers, data processing, magazine production, and daily breeder and inquiry questions and requests.
The street address for the AGA headquarters office 350 Interlocken Blvd, Suite 200, Broomfield, CO 80021.
View a map to the office.
The American Gelbvieh Association and its professional staff serve over 1,000 members with a state-of-the-art registry and innovative research, education, commercial marketing, breed promotion and communications programs. The AGA staff, as a team, is dedicated to enhancing AGA stakeholder’s prosperity through exceptional service and vision.
Meet our staff
Board of Directors
The American Gelbvieh Association Board of Directors is composed of 15 members that are elected by the AGA membership for three-year terms, Board members are allowed to serve two consecutive terms. The board of directors meets as a group three times annually. From the board of directors, an executive committee is elected which consists of the president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. The immediate past president serves as chairman of the nominating committee.
View contact information for the Board of Directors and for the Action Points from their meetings.
The American Gelbvieh Association has a very active committee structure. There are nine committees that meet during that AGA annual convention and throughout the year when needed. The AGA committees are Finance, Foundation, Hall of Fame, Marketing and Member Education, National Sale, National Show, Nominating, Productivity, Rules and Bylaws. These committees provide valuable input in the development of AGA’s Annual Action Plan.
Visit this page for a list of committee members.