Benefits — Why Join?
American Gelbvieh Association
The American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) is dedicated to the recording, promotion and improvement of Gelbvieh influenced cattle.
Becoming a Member
The American Gelbvieh Association is a progressive breed association which focuses on providing the most reliable information that describes Gelbvieh and Balancer® cattle, excellent service to AGA members, their customers and the beef industry.
To join the American Gelbvieh Association, please complete the membership application form below. This form can either be submitted electronically or printed and returned to the AGA headquarters with the $120 membership fee. The annual membership fee entitles you to a one-year membership in the AGA, plus a complimentary one-year subscription to Gelbvieh World and The Profit Picture.
The AGA does offer membership to Gelbvieh breeders outside the U.S., Please contact the AGA office for membership rates if you live outside of the U.S.
Member dues and herd assessments (HAS) are required to be qualified as an active membership and both must be paid annually to keep your membership current.