AGJA Communications

AGJA Donation Heifer, Sullivan’s Beast Blower or $1000 Cash Raffle

Each year the American Gelbvieh Junior Association (AGJA) holds a heifer raffle to raise funds for the association and its members. A special thanks goes to a new donor for the 2025 raffle, Beastrom Ranch, Pierre, SD, for donating this year’s heifer. All proceeds benefit AGJA programs, events and activities fostering industry education, growth, and leadership! The AGJA continues to provide leadership opportunities to AGJA members and provide everyday services to its members thanks in large part to the support of fundraiser efforts just like this one. Drawing takes place Monday, January 12, 2025 at 1:00 pm (CDT) prior to the AGA National Sale held in conjunction with the NWSS. Ticket buyers will be given the option at the time of purchase to either take the heifer, Sullivan’s Beast Blower ($1,400 value), or $1000 if selected during the AGA National Sale; need not be present to win!

Learn more about this year’s donation heifer HERE!

The heifer raffle is AGJA’s largest fundraiser, and all junior members are encouraged to participate.

Selling tickets?

Click HERE to download the ticket template that can be used to print AGJA raffle tickets at home.

1. Tickets are $10 for one, or six for $50
2. Be sure that all tickets are filled out completely including the name of the AGJA member who sold them.
3. Keep all tickets sold per AGJA member together. Please do not mix sold tickets amongst siblings.

a. Exemption: If “Sold By:” line shows the last name of the AGJA member(s), all tickets submitted this way will be divided among the AGJA members within that family.

4. All money must be collected for tickets sold and turned in to the AGA office by December 22, 2024, or dropped by the AGA office space at the 2043 AGA National Show by noon on January 12, 2025. Tickets that have not been paid for in full will not be entered into the drawing until payment is made.

Looking to purchase tickets?

Option 1: Contact any active AGJA member
Option 2: Email with your contact information, tickets requested and preference of the heifer, BEAST Blower or the $1000 cash option. Somebody will be in contact at their earliest convenience to receive payment.
Option 3: Join us LIVE or ONLINE to purchase at the start of the AGA National Sale, January 12, 2025, at 1 p.m.

*If winning ticket has chosen the heifer and the buyer is not present, the AGJA is not responsible for shipping/transportation costs to get the heifer to its new home.*

Incentive Program

We’ve got something new up our sleeves this year – we are partnering with Beastrom Ranch and September Farms to start a new ticket sales incentive program for all AGJA members that sell tickets for the Donation Heifer fundraiser.
1. 50 TICKETS   Wind pants
2. 100 TICKETS  Backpack
3. 150 TICKETS  Jacket
Each junior member that sells 50, 100, or 150 tickets will receive an award donated by September Farms.
Every junior that meets these ticket sale levels earns a prize! But that’s not all – we’ve also got prizes for the 3 juniors that sell the most tickets!
The Top Ticket seller will be awarded a belt buckle at Junior Classic, and the top three ticket sellers will select from 3 prizes.
1. Electric Scooter
2. Blue tooth Barn Speaker
3. A set of stall lights with carrying case.

Junior Connection

The Junior Connection is a special column dedicated to AGJA and appears in every issue of Gelbvieh World and The Profit Picture. Each month the column is written by an AGJA Board Member or the AGJA Staff Advisor.

View this month’s column on the Gelbvieh World page.

Check the Gelbvieh World page to read each month’s column.

Social Media

Stay connected with the American Gelbvieh Junior Association on Facebook and Instagram.