AGA Member Incentive Programs


The American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) strives to ensure that members are armed with the tools, data and services to be successful seedstock suppliers in a modern beef industry. The direct success of each of our members is a major component to the growth and prosperity of the AGA and Gelbvieh and Balancer®-influenced genetics.

The value of the data used to describe Gelbvieh and Balancer cattle is and will continue to be directly correlated to the volume of data flowing into the registry. The AGA has designed incentive for those members who are dedicated to the data in the AGA Online Registry Service as well as the accuracy and value of that information.


DNA Testing


DNA testing is and will continue to become even more essential to accurate EPDs, especially now with the single-step method of genetic evaluation. The AGA is offering incentives to AGA members that complete DNA testing beyond the requirements of the AGA.

Fill out the form below to apply for a DNA testing incentive rebate. Rebate must be submitted within 60 days of the last calf being tested.

DNA Incentive Rebate


Incentive #1

DNA Testing Sale Bulls:  AGA members that complete a GGP-LD or GGP-HD panel on a minimum of 30 percent of their entire male calf crop will receive a $2 per head rebate from their entire cowherd annual herd assessments in the subsequent calendar year.


  • To begin with the male calf crop born in 2018
  • Herd Assessment rebates will be given in the subsequent calendar year, starting in 2019
    • Herd assessment rebates will be given once herd assessments are completed by the member and must be done so by the March 15 herd assessment deadline. Once herd assessments are completed the appropriate rebate will be placed on the member account based on the number of females assessed.
  • Only bulls who are under one year of age when tested will be eligible for the incentive program.


Incentive #2

DNA Testing Replacement Females:  AGA members that complete a GGP-LD, GGP-HD or GGP-uLD panel test on 30 percent of the entire female calf crop will receive a $2 per head rebate from their entire cowherd annual Herd Assessments in the subsequent calendar year.


  • To begin with the heifer calf crop born in 2017
  • Herd Assessment rebates will be given in the subsequent calendar year, starting in 2019
  • Only females who are under one year of age when tested will be eligible for the incentive program.


Recording Feed Efficiency Data


While DNA is an important means of enhancing the AGA dataset, recording phenotypes that have economic value within the beef industry will continue to have value to the AGA as well as our members and customers. 

Incentive #3

Credit for Feed Intake Phenotypes:

AGA members that report feed intake data acceptable to the NCE will receive a $10 credit to their account for each animal record.

  • Feed efficiency data must be collected in an intake system acceptable to BIF/NCE
  • The data points will include:
    • Feed intake
    • Gain on test  (start and stop weights)
    • RFI
  • Credit eligibility for feed intake phenotypes will begin with bulls and heifers born in 2017