Genetic Defect Info
The American Gelbvieh Association is currently monitoring genetic conditions as they relate to Gelbvieh and Balancer® pedigrees within the AGA herdbook. Questions regarding genetic conditions can be addressed to AGA staff by calling 303-465-2333 or by email.
AGA Genetic Conditions Winter 2014 Update
- Letter to AGA Membership from Bob Arnold, AGA President
- Letter to AGA Board of Directors from Dr Jon Beever
AGA Genetic Conditions Testing Policy
The American Gelbvieh Association Board of Directors has adopted a new genetic conditions testing policy. The complete documents containing all policy information can be found below. The core genetic conditions testing policy, effective October 9, 2013, is as follows:
1. All new AI sires and donor females must be tested for AM, NH, DD and OS at the owners expense in order to register progeny.
2. The top 50 sires each year (that have not been previously tested) will be tested for AM, NH, DD and OS at AGA’s expense.
3. Other than points one and two above, there is no additional mandatory testing.
4. On all pedigrees, the animal’s genetic condition status will be designated