Retallick to Serve AGA Members and Customers

The American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) is pleased to welcome Kelli Retallick, Manhattan, Kansas as the new Data Services Specialist.

Retallick was born and raised on a purebred beef operation in southwest Wisconsin. She is still active in her family’s own seedstock operation where their main goal is to sell bulls that will produce industry relevant cattle to fit the needs of commercial customers. Growing up in 4-H, FFA and junior beef breed associations allowed Retallick to network with seedstock and commercial producers alike, from around the country pushing her towards a career and a life in the beef industry.

Retallick received a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she was highly involved in both on and off campus activities from the UW Saddle & Sirloin Club, Collegiate Farm Bureau and the National Junior Angus Association’s Board of Directors. Her time served on the board gave her an inside look into the inner workings of a breed association and only further sparked her interest in how a breed association could be used to a producer’s advantage. She is now in the process of receiving a master’s degree in the field of Animal Breeding and Genetics at Kansas State University (K-State).

Most of Retallick’s current research revolves around feed efficiency of growing beef cattle, specifically the optimum test periods to capture gain and intake data. The time at K-State was one of the most eye-opening experiences to date and reaffirmed the belief that she is in the exact field she wants to be involved in.

“One of the most valuable lessons I have learned as a master’s student was not taught from a textbook but rather gained over time and it is the idea that I will never, nor do I want to, stop learning,” Retallick said.

AGA members and customers will benefit from Retallick’s background and education in animal breeding. Retallick will work closely with AGA breed improvement staff to continually enhance the AGA experience as it relates to services and programs provided by the AGA as well as the information that accompanies registered Gelbvieh and Balancer® cattle. AGA members are encouraged to contact Retallick as they have questions regarding DNA testing, data services and information gathered from commercial bull customers’ inquiries.

“Kelli will be a great asset to the Gelbvieh association and the beef industry, as the AGA evolves into a modern breed association. With a focus on providing genetic and marketing solutions to Gelbvieh stakeholders, Kelli will certainly be able to use her experiences as a seedstock supplier along with an extensive education in animal science to provide members and Gelbvieh customers the information they need for success in an ever changing business,” said Myron Edelman, executive director of AGA.

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