Gelbvieh Association, IMI Global Release Balancer® Edge Source and Age Verification Program
BROOMFIELD, CO – The American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) is pleased to announce a recent partnership with IMI Global and introduce Balancer® Edge, a source and age verification program for feeder cattle sired by Gelbvieh and Balancer bulls.
The Balancer® Edge program requires a minimum of 75% of the sires used to be registered Gelbvieh and Balancer bulls, and these bulls must be a minimum of 25% Gelbvieh genetics. The verification process for this program requires producers to submit first and last calf born date, head count support, and registration papers of the sires to verify Gelbvieh genetics.
The Source and Age Verification (SAV) program has been in practice in the beef industry since 2004, and continues to play an important role in adding value to U.S. beef producers. Balancer® Edge meets the SAV base requirement for cattle to be eligible for marketing into the China Export Verification program, the Non-Hormone Treated Cattle (NHTC) program for the EU, Verified Natural Beef, GAP 5-step Animal Welfare and others. In addition, Balancer® Edge documentation is eligible for establishing age of animals at the processor and is also now an accepted method of determining maturity of animals for grading purposes – ensuring they fall into the A maturity category if they are under 30 months of age at harvest.
“We are thrilled to partner with the Balancer® Edge program to add new market opportunities to their progressive producer base,” said Doug Stanton, VP of Business Development at IMI Global. “Buyers continue to push for more options when it comes to cattle marketing. They are looking to maximize their value opportunity with an animal by having many directions to go with it, and verification programs add that kind of flexibility. The Balancer® Edge program will open new doors for producers to access markets they may not have been eligible for before, bringing more value back home to the ranch.”
IMI Global has been offering verification services to the beef industry since 1996 and is the uncontested leader in those services today. IMI is an accredited, independent verification company who evaluates specific attributes or practices associated with livestock production and provides an unbiased assessment of the ability of any animal or group of animals to meet those specific standards or claims.
“Balancer® Edge provides the opportunity for producers utilizing Gelbvieh and Balancer® genetics to participate in a breed identified program and have their production practices verified to be able to add value and gain additional marketing opportunities for their cattle,” said Tom Strahm, AGA commercial marketing director. “In addition, IMI Global’s recent partnership with the IGS Feeder Profit Calculator™ allows producers to quantify the genetic merit of the animal’s they are selling.”
The American Gelbvieh Association is a progressive beef cattle breed association dedicated to the recording, promoting, and improving Gelbvieh-influenced cattle. The Gelbvieh and Balancer breeds are well known throughout the beef industry for their maternal strengths and superior growth. With these attributes, Gelbvieh and Balancer cattle fit well into a crossbreeding system and provide genetics that work for the commercial cattle business.