American Gelbvieh Association to Host Commercial Cattlemen Educational Symposium

All cattlemen and women are invited to attend the  American Gelbvieh Association’s (AGA) third annual commercial cattlemen’s educational symposium titled Cattlemen’s Profit Roundup. Cattlemen’s Profit Roundup will be held Friday, December 8, 2017, beginning at 1:30 p.m. CST at the Hyatt Regency Wichita in Wichita, Kansas. Cattle producers from all segments of the beef industry are invited to attend this free event that will feature industry-leading speakers. A provided beef lunch will be served prior to the event starting at 12:00 noon.

This year’s Cattlemen’s Profit Roundup features industry-leading speakers who will provide insight on how the right genetics and management pay off through the beef supply chain. Speakers include Donnell Brown of R.A. Brown Ranch and current president of the Beef Improvement Federation, Myron Edelman, executive director of the American Gelbvieh Association, and Kevin Unger, resource manager for Lincoln County Feedyard and Leachman Cattle of Colorado.

Donnell Brown and his wife Kelli are the fifth generation to own and manage the R.A. Brown Ranch in Throckmorton, Texas, a family business since 1895. They raise registered Red Angus, Angus and SimAngus cattle and sell 600 bulls each October as well as 250 bulls each March. They use technology such as artificial insemination, embryo transfer, ultrasound and genomic testing to produce superior genetics that fit the needs of the beef industry. Brown was trained to use selection index models in the late 1980s and considers it a major contribution to the strong genetic merit of their herd.

Myron Edelman is a native of Kansas and grew up in the agriculture industry. He has held varied positions within the agriculture industry including livestock manager of Wagonhound Land & Livestock Co. Most recently, he was the director of value added programs at the Red Angus Association of America prior to becoming the executive director of the AGA in 2014. Edelman believes the experience of operating a large commercial ranch that included feedlots combined with providing marketing assistance to ranchers in a breed association setting is the foundation needed to direct the Gelbvieh association in providing accurate genetic tools and marketing services to the beef industry.

Kevin Unger lives in northwest Kansas near where his family homesteaded in the late 1800s. Unger started his career in the seedstock business with Red Angus and Simmental and has since moved to the feedyard sector. He previously worked for Decatur County Feedyard in various positions and served his last 10 years as manager. In 2014, Unger went to work for Lincoln County Feedyard and Leachman Cattle of Colorado where he serves as resource manager. Unger works to engage the rancher, the feedlot and the packer to identify and build a better end product through whatever means necessary. All feedlot and carcass data endpoints are collected and assimilated back to the production level to improve end product and advance best management practices. The system keeps an eye on the industry for new and useful tools to advance these production models and keep family operations profitable.

The Cattlemen’s Profit Roundup is being held during the 47th Annual American Gelbvieh Association National Convention. For more information about the Cattlemen’s Profit Roundup, please visit or call 303-465-2333. Registration is not required to attend this free event.