American Gelbvieh Association Hosts Genomic Webinar Featuring UNL Specialist, Dr. Matt Spangler

LINCOLN, Neb. – How can breed associations position seedstock producers to better serve their commercial customers? The answer proposed by the American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) is the identification of genetically superior beef cattle – sooner, with fewer generational intervals, and definitively.

In an upcoming September 7, 7:00 p.m. central standard time webinar, Genomics: Improving the U.S. Cowherd, Dr. Matt Spangler, beef genetics specialist for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, will share his research and insights on the merits of collecting genomic information.

“We can genotype young animals and increase the accuracy of their predictions, or EPDs, to the same level as if they already had 10 offspring. We can increase an animal’s EPD accuracy and decrease their generation interval, or the average age of the parents when the next generation is born. Those two things together allow beef producers to make faster genetic gains,” he says.

The one-hour webinar will focus on the basics of genomics, different testing opportunities, getting started: from which test to select to how to best apply the animal data, and wrap with a live Q&A session with Dr. Matt Spangler.

“Weights, carcass and fertility are on the mind are on the mind of every commercial producer when they purchase a seedstock animal,” says Megan Slater, AGA executive director. “The goal of this webinar is to help provide resources on the importance of genomics and equipping producers with the tools needed to better leverage the technology for more desirable phenotypes, to ultimately help maximize profitability and resources.”

The webinar adds to the ongoing educational efforts of the AGA in helping familiarize members and stakeholders with the resources they need to best utilize technology and new practices for their own herd.

Register for the upcoming webinar; Genomics: Improving the U.S. Cowherd here. To learn more about leveraging genomic testing for your herd, visit or reach out to the office at 303-465-2333.

The American Gelbvieh Association is a progressive beef cattle breed association representing 1,100 members and approximately 40,000 cows assessed annually in a performance-oriented total herd reporting system. 
