2023 American Gelbvieh Junior Association Scholarship Recipients Announced
LINCOLN, Neb. – The future of the Gelbvieh breed looks brighter each and every year. This year, eight scholarships were awarded totaling $5,500 at the 2023 AGJA Great Dakota Classic Awards Banquet held in Huron, South Dakota, on Friday, July 7, 2023.
Jaylea Pope, daughter of Jeff and Jeanne Pope of Ravenna, Nebraska, was awarded the $1,000 Earl Buss Memorial Scholarship. Pope is currently attending the University of Nebraska-Lincoln majoring in Agricultural Education and Animal Science. Pope has excelled over the years in the areas of leadership and citizenship through 4-H, FFA and several other organizations including the AGJA. Pope is also serving her third year on the AGJA board of directors.
Jaycie Forbes, daughter of Troy and Pam Forbes of De Smet, South Dakota, was awarded the $1,000 Leness Hall Memorial Scholarship. Majoring in Agricultural Communications at South Dakota State University with a 3.5 GPA, Forbes continues to dedicate her time to the AGJA as president in her third year on the board of directors. Actively involved in 4-H, FFA and her community, Forbes continues to give back to the Gelbvieh breed. Forbes was recently named the 2023 AGJA Junior Breeder of the Year.
Lily Judd, daughter of Nick and Ginger Judd of Pomona, Kansas, was awarded the $500 Rea Memorial scholarship. A hopeful sales manager for her home operation of Judd Ranch, Judd attends Butler Community College majoring in Livestock Management and Merchandising. A longtime member of the 4-H and FFA, Judd also actively participated in multiple sports, National Honor Society and Phi Theta Kappa in high school. Judd hopes to continue her education at a four-year institution majoring in Livestock Merchandising following her final year at Butler.
Madalynn Welsh, daughter of Brian and Gina Welsh of Franklin, Nebraska, was awarded a $750 AGJA scholarship. A junior at Auburn University, Welsh continues to strive for excellence as a member of the Auburn University Cattlemen’s Association, as well as the Auburn Biotechnology Society. Majoring in Applied Biotechnology. A hopeful fertility specialist, Welsh found an interest in the Gelbvieh breed through involvement at a young age thanks to the support shown by her family and friends over the years.
Gentry Warner, daughter of Dan and Kate Warner and the late Kasey Jo Warner of Arapahoe, Nebraska, was awarded a $750 AGJA scholarship. Embarking on her freshman year as an Agricultural Education major at Kansas State University, Gentry was active in multiple organizations over the years including 4-H, FFA, FCCLA, sports and journalism. Warner hopes to continue helping her family operation while teaching agriculture to the next generation in an effort to keep the agricultural community at the forefront of young students.
Rachelle Anderson, daughter of Robert and Charlotte Anderson of Jamestown, Kansas, received the $500 AGJA scholarship. A senior at Kansas State University majoring in Animal Science with a focus on production management and minoring in business and youth childhood development, Anderson hopes to give back to the agriculture community through the continuation of improved Gelbvieh genetics and working with youth involved in the beef sector.
Jayden Carrier, daughter of LeAnna Maude and the late Aaron Carrier of Hermosa, South Dakota, was awarded the $500 Patti Kendrick Memorial Scholarship. Carrier attends Casper Community College in Casper, Wyoming, majoring in Forensic Science and working toward a Paralegal certificate. Carrier was recently named a finalist for the 2023 AGJA Junior Breeder of the Year award. A 3.8 GPA student, Carrier was actively involved in shooting sports, youth group, theatre and the Hill City Student Council.
The American Gelbvieh Junior Association is the junior division of the American Gelbvieh Association. The AGJA provides members up to 21 years of age the opportunity to participate in youth activities.

From left to right: Jaycie Forbes, De Smet, S.D.; Gentry Warner, Arapahoe, Neb.; Jaylea Pope, Ravenna, Neb.; Madalyn Welsh, Franklin, Neb.; Lily Judd, Pomona, Kan.; and Rachelle Anderson, Jamestown, Kan. Not pictured: Jayden Carrier, Hermosa, S.D.