Projects and Grants
Steer Challenge and Scale & Rail Steer Testing Contest
The American Gelbvieh Foundation (AGF) continues to help advance the Gelbvieh breed through its support of research and development. For this reason the AGF continues its Steer Challenge and Scale & Rail Contest. These two projects together will provide the information and funds necessary to generate data sets to advance Gelbvieh carcass merit.
How It Works:
To participate in the Steer Challenge, simply donate one or more steers to the AGF. All donated steers will then be fed together at the participating feedyard and performance will be tracked throughout the feeding period. Steers will then be harvested and carcass data will be collected. The donors of the top performing steers will be awarded a cash prize. If an individual wishes to participate but does not currently own a steer that is ready to be fed, they may purchase an animal already at the feedyard and donate it to the AGF. Groups of individuals are more than welcome to purchase one steer together. Individuals with three or more steers available from the same contemporary group (same ranch, same arrival date and same harvest date) are encouraged to participate in the Scale & Rail Steer Contest. These steers will also be fed together at the feedyard and data collected throughout the feeding period as well as at harvest. Please note, steers participating in the carcass testing contest do not have to be donated to the AGF and may remain in the custody of the current owner throughout the contest. However, it is encouraged for individuals to participate in both projects in order to help collect valuable data for the association as well as build resources for future projects, aimed at improving Gelbvieh influenced genetics.
Click here to download Steer Challenge Entry Form
Click here to download Scale and Rail Entry Form
Click here to download contest guidelines
NEW LOCATION: Deliver steers to Kinsley Feeders located near Kinsley, KS.
Steer Challenge Results
Click here to download results from the 2024 Steer Challenge
AGF at Work for the Membership:
Together, these projects will solidify carcass merit within the Gelbvieh breed and place our cattle in a more competitive position in the beef industry through providing supplementary carcass data on Gelbvieh influenced genetics. In addition to the data collected and knowledge gained from these projects, money raised will help to further develop more accurate tools for ranchers when selecting Gelbvieh and Balancer® genetics. Contest guidelines and entry forms may be downloaded by clicking the links below.
Participants with questions regarding either program may contact Tom Strahm at 785-547-7999 or email
Grants and Requests
The American Gelbvieh Foundation (AGF) is committed to the long-term success of the American Gelbvieh Association through funding projects for research, member education and youth development. Members may fill out the forms below requesting grants or scholarship funding that are related to the three focus areas of the Foundation.
Application for Grant Money for Research, Juniors, and Member Education
Application for Junior Scholarship Funding
AGJA Steer Profitability Challenge
The American Gelbvieh Junior Association (AGJA) and American Gelbvieh Foundation (AGF) have partnered to host the Steer Profitability Challenge alongside the Annual AGF Scale & Rail Contest hosted in Kinsley, Kansas at Kinsley Feeders. This event fulfills AGF’s commitment to youth development and fits into the AGJA 2022-2027 Strategic Plan focus areas of education, outreach, outlook, leadership, and involvement by creating new relationships between the existing branches of AGF, AGJA, and AGA and providing new opportunities for AGJA membership within AGA activities.
AGJA members who participate in the AGJA Steer Profitability Challenge will have the opportunity to learn more about the cattle feeding industry, what happens to cattle after they leave a cow-calf operation, and how Gelbvieh-influenced cattle fit into that industry. Participants will deliver cattle to the feedlot to be fed and evaluated next to the AGF Scale & Rail Contest cattle and complete a portfolio outlining their event participation from start to finish. All cattle must align with AGF Scale & Rail contest requirements and will also be eligible for Scale & Rail contest awards. Below is a complete list of details and requirements for all participants.
Rules and Guidelines
- Participants must complete an online entry form by December 1, 2024.
- Participants must be a current dues-paying member of the AGJA.
- Age divisions will follow the AGJA Junior Classic guidelines:
- Junior (ages 8-11 as of January 1, 2025)
- Intermediate (ages 12-15 as of January 1, 2025)
- Senior (ages 16-21 as of January 1, 2025)
- Participants must submit a completed portfolio to the AGA Office by September 1, 2025.
Cattle Delivery
- Animals will arrive at Kinsley Feeders near Kinsley, KS between December 9-13, 2024.
- Participating members will be responsible for transporting animals to a pickup point coordinated by AGF or directly to Kinsley Feeders, Kinsley, KS, by December 13, 2024.
Cattle Requirements
- Each participant must submit a group of three steers for the contest.
- Steers may be home-raised or purchased by the participant.
- All steers must have at least one registered Gelbvieh or Balancer parent.
- All steers must weigh a minimum of 750 lbs. with a maximum of 900 lbs. by December 13, 2024.
- All steers must be born January 1, 2024, or later.
- All steers must be weaned a minimum of 30 days before delivery to the feedyard. It is recommended that steers are closer to a minimum of 45 days weaned before delivery, as the cattle will be more successful in this program.
- Participants should only enter lively, healthy cattle that have been relatively treatment-free prior to arriving at the feedyard. This will also allow cattle to be as successful in the program as possible and will help minimize death loss.
- The AGJA Steer Profitability Challenge will accept commercial (sire-identified) and/or registered steers.
- Steers are required to have a DNA test and must be sire verified. Tissue samples will be taken at Kinsley Feeders for these DNA tests, and cost will be the responsibility of the AGF.
- All steers will receive an EID tag upon arrival at the feedyard.
Ownership and Financial Information
- Participants will retain full ownership of the steers throughout the contest.
- This is a terminal contest – no exceptions.
- Participants will be responsible for the cost of feed, yardage, vaccinations, veterinary costs associated with morbidity and loss due to mortality. All costs will be billed to participants directly by the feed yard.
- Feeding cattle has risks. Participants may seek individual insurance policies for steers submitted to the AGJA Steer Profitability Challenge if they wish.
- The feed yard will deduct any unpaid costs from the sale of the animal to the packer at harvest time from the gross revenue of the sale and the owner will be paid the net balance.
There will be two top prizes awarded per age division – one for the top-ranking pen of steers* and one for the top-ranking portfolio.** Awards will be provided as follows:
- Champion Junior Pen of Steers* – belt buckle sponsored by AGF
- Champion Intermediate Pen of Steers* – belt buckle sponsored by AGF
- Champion Senior Pen of Steers* – belt buckle sponsored by AGF
- Champion Junior Portfolio** – belt buckle sponsored by AGF
- Champion Intermediate Portfolio** – belt buckle sponsored by AGF
- Champion Senior Portfolio** – belt buckle sponsored by AGF
*For the Champion Pen of Steers awards to be separated by these three age divisions, there must be a minimum of 5 pens of steers submitted in each division. If the minimum is not met, all AGJA Steer Profitability Challenge cattle will be entered into one division.
**Regardless of the presence of different divisions in the steer portion of the contest, all contestants will be separated into three age divisions for the portfolio portion of the contest.
***Junior cattle may be a mix of Gelbvieh and Balancer and do not need to be a sire-group to still be eligible for AGF Scale & Rail contest awards. Adults participants must follow original Scale & Rail rules.
There will also be an opportunity for the top 3 high scoring Senior portfolio participants to earn a $500 scholarship sponsored by the AGF. The participants that submitted the 3 highest scoring portfolios will be invited to participate in an interview process during the 2025 AGA Convention. This interview will be conducted by a qualified panel of experts in the cattle feeding industry to assess the participant’s knowledge gained through the contest. Results of this interview process will be announced during the 2025 AGA Convention Year-End Banquet.
Please contact Tawnie DeJong, Membership & Junior Activities Coordinator, at or 303-465-2333 with any questions.
Indirect Cost Policy Statement
In view of its status as a non-profit institution and its desire to maximize the direct impact from its research funding dollars, it is the official policy of the American Gelbvieh Association and its entities not to pay facility, administrative or other indirect and overhead costs for research projects funded by the Association and its 501(c)3 not-for-profit entity American Gelbvieh Foundation.