Giving to the Foundation

There are several ways to help grow the Gelbvieh future through giving to the American Gelbvieh Foundation. No gift is too small or too large. Any donation made to the AGF may specify to go toward a specific purpose such as scholarships, research or the AGF Endowment Fund. Thank you in advance for your support of the AGF!

Interested in making a financial contribution to support the work of the American Gelbvieh Foundation? Click here.

Cash Donations

Making a cash donation to the Foundation is the easiest way to give. Simply make a check payable to the American Gelbvieh Foundation and send it to the American Gelbvieh Foundation at 1001 S. 70th Street, Lincoln, NE 68510. If you wish for the gift to go toward a specific purpose please make the Foundation aware at the time of gift. Once the gift is received the donor will receive a receipt for the gift. All cash donations made to the AGF are tax-deductible.

Gift of Grain

Donating grain is as simple as filling out the donation form and selling the grain at the producer’s place of choice. Because the proceeds of the sale of grain will be sent directly to the charitable, nonprofit organization, the donation is treated similar to a cash gift and is tax-deductible.

To properly donate the proceeds of the sale of grain follow these simple steps:

Donation Commitment:
Complete the donation form below. This form informs the grain buyer to send the proceeds from the sale of grain (or a portion of grain) directly to the American Gelbvieh Foundation. A copy of the form should be given to the buyer as well as mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the AGF and a copy should also be kept for the producer’s records. The producer will be responsible for any costs associated with storing or transporting the grain until it is delivered.

Complete the gift properly:
Transport the gifted grain to the buyer of choice and provide a copy of the completed donation form to the buyer. Obtain a receipt for the amount and type of grain delivered. When the grain is sold, the proceeds will be sent directly to the charitable organization. After the sale, the donor will receive a letter from the AGF acknowledging the gift.

Gift of Livestock

Donating livestock is as simple as filling out the donation form below and taking the designated livestock to the sale barn. Because the proceeds of the sale animal will be sent directly to the charitable, nonprofit organization, the donation is treated similar to a cash gift and is tax-deductible.

To properly donate the proceeds of the sale of livestock follow these simple steps:

Donation Commitment:
Complete the donation form below. This form informs the sale barn or buyer to send the proceeds from the sale of the livestock directly to the American Gelbvieh Foundation. A copy of the form should be given to the sale barn or buyer as well as mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the AGF and a copy should also be kept for the producer’s records. The livestock will remain in the producer’s care and custody until delivered to the sale barn or buyer.

Complete the gift properly:
Transport the gifted livestock to the sale barn or buyer of choice and provide a copy of the completed donation form to the buyer. Obtain a receipt for the amount and type of livestock delivered. When the animal is sold, the proceeds will be sent directly to the charitable organization. After the sale, the donor will receive a letter from the AGF acknowledging the gift.

Gelbvieh Legacy Society

The Legacy Society of the American Gelbvieh Foundation was created to recognize and honor individuals who have included a gift to the Foundation in their estate plan. Current gifts during the donor’s lifetime to an American Gelbvieh Foundation endowment fund may also qualify for membership. This type of giving ensures that future funding will be available to fund the growing needs and priorities of the American Gelbvieh Association.

Membership in the Legacy Society is available to all supporters who are making deferred gifts of any dollar amount through their estate plans to the Foundation. Current gifts to a Foundation endowment fund require a minimum contribution of $5,000 for membership. Qualifying estate gifts include bequests, trusts, life insurance, retirement plans, charitable gift annuities and other life income arrangements. The Foundation may request documentation for planning purposes, but there is no requirement for documents or gift amount disclosure to be provided as evidence for Legacy Society membership. Members may choose to receive as much or as little public recognition as they wish. Donor wishes regarding anonymity are respected. The Foundation would like to thank donors for their future gift now – during their lifetime.

By joining the Legacy Society donors affirm the vision of the American Gelbvieh Association to continually advance the Gelbvieh breed while enhancing its impact on the beef industry.

To make the Foundation aware of your planned gift simply fill out the form found below. If you would like more information regarding the Legacy Society or how to make a planned gift contact the American Gelbvieh Foundation at 303-465-2333 or email

Donor Levels

  • Gelbvieh Legacy Society ($5,000 and Above Lifetime Donation)
  • Gelbvieh Investor ($2,500-$4,999)
  • Gelbvieh Pacesetter ($1,000-$2,499)
  • Gelbvieh Sustainer ($500-$999)
  • Gelbvieh Associate ($250-$499
  • Gelbvieh Partner ($100-$249)
  • Gelbvieh Friend ($1-$99)