Looking for Gelbvieh-influenced replacement females, bulls or feeder cattle? The AGA’s free Exchange lists Gelbvieh and Balancer® influenced cattle for sale and helps to match potential buyers with sellers.
The AGA’s Feeder Finder service assists producers in marketing load lots of Gelbvieh and Balancer influenced feeder cattle. Whether selling private treaty or via auction, producers with load lots of feeder cattle are encouraged to fill out the free feeder cattle listing form below. These cattle are then listed within the AGA Exchange listing as well as presented to feedyards across the country.
Cattle for Sale
To view listing click on one of the links below: Females, Bulls, Feeder Cattle. Female and Bull listings may also how a number of sub categories. Females may be classified as Bred Cows, Bred Heifers, Cow-Calf Pairs or Open Heifers. Bulls can be classified as Aged Bulls, Bull Calves and Long Yearlings & Yearling Bulls. The listings also show the type of sale, either Private Treaty or Auction, along with the location of the sale and contact details.
List Your Animals for Sale
Go to the Exchange Listing Web page and enter your information.
Please note entries will remain on exchange for 60 days. The American Gelbvieh Association reserves the right to remove any listings or photos that are submitted to the Exchange.
For questions or assistance with the exchange, contact Malerie Markley at
Exchange Links
Would you like to post a wanted request for a specific animal that’s not listed, or looking for something specific? Go to our wanted form and enter your information, and your request using our provided form.