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42nd Annual Gelbvieh Gold Sale

February 10, 2015
Iowa State Fairgrounds
Des Moines, Iowa
Auctioneer: Phil Schooley
Sale Manager: Mitchell Marketing Services
Reported By: Rebecca Mettler

Sale Averages
28 Gelbvieh and Balancer® Females…………..$3,914
7 Gelbvieh and Balancer Bulls……………..$4,731
36 Lots Total……………………………………..$147,450

The 42nd Annual Gelbvieh [ ]

Seedstock Plus Fall Bull Sale

October 18, 2014
Joplin Reginal Stockyards
Carthage, Mo.
Auctioneer: Jeremy Anstine
Reported By: John Burbank

82        Balancer Bulls             $5269

52        Gelbvieh Bulls            $5479

132      Overall Bulls               $5350

Another successful sale for Seedstock Plus with this Fall Bull Sale. [ ]

Judd Ranch 24th Annual Cow Power Female Sale

October 11, 2014
Pomona, Kan.
Sale manager: Cattlemen’s Connection
Reported by: Roger Gatz

6              Purebred Spring Bred Heifers            $5,792
7              Balancer Spring Bred Heifers             $5,714
5              Purebred Red Angus [ ]

41st Annual Gelbvieh Gold Sale

Des Moines, Iowa
Held in conjunction with the Iowa Beef Expo
Sponsored by: Gelbvieh Breeders of Iowa
Auctioneer: Phil Schooley
Sale Manager: Mitchell Marketing Services

12           Bulls       $3,954
31           Females               $2,695
43           Total Lots Grossed           $131,000

The 41st [ ]

TJB Gelbvieh 3rd Annual Bull Sale

November 1, 2014
Chickamauga, Ga.
Reported By: Todd J. Bickett, DVM

32 Yearling Bulls          $140,000 Gross       Avg. $4375

TJB Gelbvieh extended their traditional warm southern hospitality on an unusually cold and windy November day [ ]

Genetic Power Gelbvieh and Balancer Bull Sale

Springfield, Mo.
Auctioneer: Jay Elfeldt
Sale managed by: Mitchell Marketing Service
Written by: Brian Rogers

95           Gelbvieh & Balancer Bulls             $4,604
                Sale Gross           $437,400

The Genetic Power Gelbvieh and Balancer® bull sale was held the [ ]

Tennessee Beef Agribition Gelbvieh Sale

Lebanon, Tennessee
Sale sponsored by: Tennessee Gelbvieh Association
Sale managed by: Tennessee Gelbvieh Association
Reported by: Dale Walker

10           Bulls       $2,995
1              Bred Heifer         $1,900
13           Open Heifers     $1,727

The annual Tennessee Beef Agribition Gelbvieh show and [ ]

Schroeder Ranch 16th Annual Bull Sale

Mitchell, S.D.
Auctioneer: Lanning Edwards
Sale managed by: Mettler Sale Management
Reported by: Jerry Mettler

Black Balancer® Bulls      $4,027
Red Balancer Bulls           $3,629
Red Purebred Bulls         $3,438
Black Purebred Bulls       $3,583

A much anticipated sun drenched day greeted [ ]

Black Hills Stock Show Gelbvieh Show and Sale

Rapid City, S.D.
Judge: Nate Kolterman, Steward, Neb.
Auctioneer: Seth Weishaar, Belle Fourche, S.D.

2              Open Heifers     $4,375
2              Bred Heifers       $4,000
7              Bulls       $3,429

The Gelbvieh show and sale at the 2014 Black Hills Stock [ ]

Taubenheim Gelbvieh 24th Annual Production Sale

Amherst, Neb.
Auctioneer: Tracy Harl
Reported by: Justin Taubenheim

24           Purebred Bulls  $4,311
62           Balancer® Bulls  $5,007
23           Bred Females    $2,752
27           Open Females   $1,274

Taubenheim Gelbvieh, Amherst, Neb., held their 24th annual production sale February 3, [ ]

Judd Ranch 36th Gelbvieh, Balancer® and Red Angus Bull Sale

Pomona, Kan.
Sale manager: Cattlemen’s Connection
Reported by: Roger Gatz

43           Black Polled Purebred Fall Yearlings         $7,291
62           Red Polled Purebred Fall Yearlings           $5,927
40           Black Polled Balancer Fall Yearlings           $7,293
9              Red Polled Balancer Fall [ ]

Flying H Genetics Roughage N’ Ready Bull Sale

Arapahoe, Neb.
Reported by: Dick Helms

Black Balancer® Bulls      $5,878
Fusion Bulls        $5,813
Red Balancer Bulls           $5,304
Black Gelbvieh Bulls        $5,300
Black SimAngus Bulls      $5,126
94 Bulls Averaged            $5,557
Gelbvieh Females            $7,750
Balancer Females             $5,000
SmartCross® Breds/Pairs              $2,500
SmartCross Replacement Heifers             [ ]

Kentucky Beef Expo Gelbvieh Sale

Louisville, Ky.
Sale sponsored by: Kentucky Gelbvieh Association
Auctioneer: Todd Barlow
Sale managed by: Slaughter Sale Management
Reported by: David Slaughter

7              Bulls       $3,614
10           Bred Females    $3,255
8              Open Females   $2,300

The annual Gelbvieh show and sale [ ]

Thorstenson’s Lazy TV Ranch 33rd Annual Bull Sale

Selby, S.D.
Auctioneers: Lynn & Seth Weishaar
Reported by: Vaughn Thorstenson

110         Balancer® Bulls  $3,855
45           Angus Bulls         $4,628
15           Gelbvieh Bulls   $3,833
170         Bulls       $4,018

A hardy crowd braving the sub-zero temperature along with active Internet [ ]

Lost River Livestock

Clearbrook, Minn.
Auctioneer: Marlin Kapp
Reported by: CattleSeller.com

24           Yearling Bulls      $3,177
29           Bred Heifers       $3,034

Top Selling Bulls:

Lot 1: $4750, Purebred Gelbvieh, LRSF Deep Impact A58, March 1, 2013, HYEK Black Impact 3960N X [ ]

Seedstock Plus Tennessee Bull Sale

Columbia, Tenn.
Auctioneer: Tommy Bailey
Reported by: John Burbank

58           Balancer® Bulls  $3,400
22           Gelbvieh Bulls   $3,790
80           Overall Bulls       $3,507

The fifth annual Seedstock Plus Tennessee Bull Sale was a successful event with the commitment [ ]

Judd Ranch 23rd Annual Cow Power Female Sale

Pomona, Kan.
Sale manager: Cattlemen’s Connection
Reported by: Roger Gatz

12           Purebred Spring Bred Heifers     $3,325
9              Balancer Spring Bred Heifers       $3,067
2              Purebred Red Angus Bred Heifers            $2,300
21           Purebred Fall Bred Females        $3,148
8              Balancer [ ]

Iowa Beef Expo Gelbvieh Gold Sale

Des Moines, Iowa
Auctioneer: Phil Schooley
Sale Manager: Mitchell Marketing Services
Written by: Jennifer Scharpe

7              Bulls       $4,843
36           Females               $2,883
43           Lots        $3,202

The Gelbvieh Breeders of Iowa celebrated their 40th annual Gelbvieh Gold Sale at [ ]

C-Cross Cattle Company Fall Bull & Female Sale

Biscoe, N.C.
Sale manager: Mitchell Marketing Service
Reported by: William McIntosh

16           Older Bulls          $3,081
22           Yearling Bulls      $2,716
30           Elite Females     $3,145
23           Open Commercial Heifers            $1,124

C-Cross Cattle Company hosted their annual Fall Bull and [ ]

Tennessee Beef Agribition

Lebanon, Tenn.
Sale Manager: Slaughter Sale Management
Reported by: David Slaughter

13           Bulls       $3,450
15           Heifers    $1,553
28           Lots        $2,435

Sunshine and warm weather made for a great weekend to attend the 2013 Tennessee Agribition Gelbvieh [ ]

LeDoux Ranch Production Sale

Agenda, Kan.
Auctioneer: Kyle Elwood
Reported by: Danielle LeDoux

32           Yearling Bulls      $3,993
12           Registered Females        $2,712
31           Commercial Pairs             $2,071
35           Commercial Bred Females           $1,904

The LeDoux Ranch had a bright sunny day and a full [ ]

Manage what you can

The blizzard dubbed "Atlas" that hit South Dakota and the surrounding states on October 4, 2013 is gut-wrenching. The total death loss of livestock will take months to tally and [ ]

Taubenheim Gelbvieh 23rd Annual Production Sale

Amherst, Neb.
Reported by: Jeannette Taubenheim

16           Purebred Bulls  $4,416
60           Balancer® Bulls  $3,858
33           Bred Females    $2,200
19           Open Females   $1,250

Taubenheim Gelbvieh, Amherst, Neb., held their 23rd annual production sale February 4, 2013 at [ ]

Schroeder Ranch 15th Annual Bull Sale

Mitchell, S.D.
Sale Manager: Mettler Sale Management
Reported by: Jerry Mettler

Black Balancer® Bulls      $4,700
Red Balancer® Bulls         $3,911
Black Purebred Bulls       $2,667
Red Purebred Bulls         $3,208
46 Total Bulls                   $4,000

A beautiful sunny day helped to highlight [ ]

Kentucky Beef Expo Gelbvieh and Balancer Show & Sale

Louisville, Ky.
Sale Manager: Slaughter Sale Management
Reported by: David Slaughter

12           Bulls       $2,935
14           Heifers    $2,663
26           Lots        $2,788

This year marked the second year of the return of the Gelbvieh and Balancer®show and sale [ ]

Thorstenson Gelbvieh & Angus 32nd Annual Bull Sale

Selby, S.D.
Auctioneers: Lynn and Seth Weishaar
Reported by: Vaughn Thorstenson

125         Yearling Balancer® Bulls  $4,104
13           Yearling Gelbvieh Bulls    $3,519
36           Yearling Angus Bulls        $4,016
29           Fall Bulls                          $3,491
203         Bulls      [ ]

Judd Ranch 35th Annual Bull Sale

Pomona, Kan.
Sale Manager: Cattlemen’s Connection
Reported by: Roger Gatz

34           Black Balancer® Fall Bulls               $7,017
37           Black Purebred Fall Bulls               $6,425
8              Red Balancer® Fall Bulls            $5,875
49           Red Purebred Fall Bulls               $5,432
6              Red Angus [ ]

National Gelbvieh and Balancer® Sale Averages $8,480

3          Bulls                                $14,667
1          ½ Embryo Interest           $13,000
1          50% Cloning Rights        $13,000
8          Pick of Breeder’s Herds    $8,500
5          Bred Heifers                      $5,834
7          Open Heifers                     $5,857
            Gross on 25 Lots           $212,000
            [ ]

National Gelbvieh Sale Sets Fast Pace

National Gelbvieh Sale Sets Fast Pace

1 Bull                           $24,000

4 Flush Opportunities  $3,562

6 Pick of the Herds      $13,042

2 Bred Heifers            $6,375

15 Open Heifers          $4,067

The 2011 National Gelbvieh Sale has set a [ ]

JUdd Ranch 25th Annual Cow Power Female Sale

October 10, 2015
Pomona, Kansas

Auctioneer: Steve Dorran
Reported by: Roger Gatz

Sale Averages

7 Purebred Gelbvieh Bred Heifers                            $3,957

7 Balancer Bred Heifers                                                 $4,064

7 Red Angus Bred Heifers                                             $4,200

12 Purebred Gelbvieh Fall Bred Females                               $4,466

5 [ ]

Genetic Power Gelbvieh and Balancer® Bull Sale

March 14, 2015
Springfield Livestock Marketing Center
Springfield, Missouri
Auctioneer: Jay Elfeldt
Sale Manager: Mitchell Marketing Service
Reported By: Rebecca Mettler

Sale Average

128 Gelbvieh and Balancer® Bulls……………………$4,294

J Bar M Gelbvieh, J&K Gelbvieh and Hilltop Farms joined [ ]

12th Annual Open House and Bull Sale

March 7, 2015
Wolcott, Indiana
Reported By: W. Mark Hilton

Sale Averages:
Calving ease Angus……….$5,266

Midwest Beef Cattle Consultants, West Lafayette, IN  and Brooks Farms, Inc., Wolcott, IN  teamed up with Ertel Cattle Co., Greentop, [ ]

Seedstock Plus South Missouri Bull Sale

March 28, 2015
Joplin Regional Stockyards
Carthage, MO
Auctioneer: Jeremy Anstine
Reported by: John Burbank

13        Angus Bulls                             $3,800
125      Balancer® Bulls                                   $5,184
71        Gelbvieh Bulls                        $5,032
209      Overall Bulls                            $5,047

The Seedstock Plus South Missouri Bull [ ]

Judd Ranch Inc. 37th Bull Sale

March 7, 2015
Pomona, KS
Auctioneer: Steve Dorran
Reported By: Roger Gatz

Sale Averages
48 Black Polled Purebred Fall Yearling Bulls          $9,141
58 Red Polled Purebred Fall Yearling Bulls            $7,246
46 Black Polled Balancer Fall Yearling Bulls          [ ]

Plateau Gelbvieh

February 27, 2015
Livestock Exchange, LLC
Brush, Colorado
Auctioneer: John Korrey

Sale Average: $5,616

Lot 1 PLA Full Throtle 1B is an OGSG Yes Man 523Y son out of PLA Miss Focus 024X ET. This [ ]

Overmiller Gelbvieh and Red Angus

February 21, 2015
Auctioneer: Matt Printz
Reported by: Kelly Overmiller

Sale Averages
Gelbvieh/Balancer® Fall Bulls        $6,000
Gelbvieh/Balancer Spring Bulls     $5,010
Gelbvieh/Balancer Bulls                  $5,234

Commercial Red Open Heifers       $2,698
Commercial Black Open Heifers     $2,296
66 [ ]

Seedstock Plus North Missouri Bull Sale

February 28, 2015
Kingsville Livestock Market
Kingsville, MO
Auctioneer: Jeremy Anstine
Reported By: John Burbank

10        Angus Bulls                             $4,475
119      Balancer® Bulls                                   $5,770
52        Gelbvieh Bulls                        $5,285
171      Overall Bulls                            $5,576

The well established Seedstock Plus North [ ]

Taubenheim Gelbvieh 25th Annual Production Sale

February 2, 2015
Amherst, Nebraska
Auctioneer: Tracy Harl
Reported by: Justin Taubenheim

Sale Averages
20           Purebred Bulls    $5,638
72           Balancer® Bulls  $7,386
43           Bred Females      $3,233
29           Open Females     $1,992


Taubenheim Gelbvieh, Amherst, Nebraska, held their [ ]

North Dakota Gelbvieh Association’s Golden Rule Sale

January 26, 2015
Kist Livestock
Mandan, North Dakota
Auctioneer:  Jay Elfeldt
Sale Manager: Mitchell Marketing Service
Reported by: Rebecca Mettler

Sale Averages:
27 Bulls                      $5,046
16 Bred Heifers         $4,578
6 Open Females         $2,475

This year marked the 31st Annual North [ ]

National Gelbvieh and Balancer® Sale

January 11, 2015
Denver, Colorado
Sale Manager: Mitchell Marketing Service
Auctioneer: Doak Lambert

Sale Averages
1          Herd Sire                     $25,000
7          Females                      $9,857
9          Buyer Picks                 $12,277
1          Flush                            $4,500
46        Semen Packages      $1,500
            Total [ ]

Seedstock Plus South Missouri Bull Sale

Carthage, Mo.
Auctioneer: Jeremy Anstine
Reported by: John Burbank

105         Balancer® Bulls  $4,528
49           Gelbvieh Bulls   $4,123
8              Angus Bulls         $3,319
162         Overall Bulls       $4,346

The well established Seedstock Plus South Missouri Bull Sale was another successful [ ]

23rd Annual Oklahoma Gelbvieh Association Sooner Select Sale

McAlester, Okla.
Auctioneer: Joel Birdwell
Sale managed by: Randy Gallaway
Reported by: Randy Gallaway

26           Yearling Bulls      $3,920
5              Long Yearling Bulls           $3,920
3              Cow-Calf Pairs   $3,466
4              Bred Females    $2,525
8              Open Heifers     $2,094
2              Futurity Heifers                [ ]

Grund Beef Genetics 18th Annual Bull Sale

Oakley, Kan.
Auctioneer: Garren Walrod
Reported by: Jerry Grund

50           Balancer®and Gelbvieh Bulls      $4,680
9              Angus and Red Angus Bulls          $3750
7              Balancer Heifers               $2,321

Grund Beef Genetics held their 18th annual bull sale on February [ ]

Seedstock Plus North Missouri Bull Sale

Kingsville, Mo.
Auctioneer: Jeremy Anstine
Reported by: John Burbank

97           Balancer® Bulls  $4,420
25           Gelbvieh Bulls   $4,170
7              Angus Bulls         $3,580
129         Overall Bulls       $4,325

The well established Seedstock Plus North Missouri Bull sale was another successful [ ]

Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic Balancer®/Gelbvieh Sale

Kearney, Neb.
Auctioneer: Tracy Harl
Reported by: Ronette Bush-Heinrich

13           Bulls       $3,308
12           Heifers$3,675
25           Total Lots Grossed           $87,100

The 2014 Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic Balancer®/Gelbvieh Show and Sale was held Thursday, February 20 in Kearney, Neb. [ ]

Overmiller Gelbvieh and Red Angus Production Sale

Smith Center, Kan.
Auctioneer: Tracy Harl
Reported by: Kelly Overmiller

31           Gelbvieh & Balancer Bulls             $4,526
20           Red Angus Bulls                $6,008
51           Total Bulls            $5,107
4              Red Angus Open Heifers              $3,600
2              Balancer Open Heifers   $2,050
35           Group [ ]

30th Annual North Dakota Golden Rule Sale

Mandan, ND
Auctioneer: Jay Elfeldt
Sale Manager: Mitchell Marketing Service
Reported by: Kirby Goettsch

26           Bulls       $3,869
14           Bred Heifers       $3,071
12           Open Heifers     $2,313

Top Selling Bulls:
Lot 27: $8,250 for 2/3 interest and full possession, SRGG [ ]

Little Windy Hill Farms 7th Annual You-Pick-Em Bull and Female Sale

Max Meadows, Va.
Reported by: William McIntosh

23           Bulls       $5,023
11           Fall Cow-Calf Pairs           $2,995
1              Spring Bred Cow               $2,400
8              Fall Open Heifers             $1,632

Approximately 125 progressive cattlemen attended the 7th Annual You-Pick-Em Bull and [ ]

Seedstock Plus Fall Bull Sale

Carthage, Missouri
Auctioneer: Jeremy Anstine
Reported by: John Burbank

75           Balancer® Bulls  $4,110
45           Gelbvieh Bulls   $3,970
3              Southern Balancer® – Hybrid Bulls             $3,083
2              Angus Bulls         $2,650
125         Overall Bulls       $4,012

Seedstock Plus hosted another successful sale [ ]

Seedstock Plus Showcase Sale VIII & 5th Annual Customer Appreciation Sale

Kingsville, Mo.
Auctioneer: Jeremy Anstine
Reported by: John Burbank

3              Pick of Herd        $4,983
2              Pregnant Recips               $3,000
1              Flush     $2,800
6              Spring Pairs         $3,716
23           Spring Breds       $2,500
15           Fall Pairs/Breds$2,893
23           Open Heifers     $1,808
78           Total Lots             $2,620

A [ ]

Bluegrass Gelbvieh Invitational

Mt. Sterling, Ky.
Auctioneer: Todd Barlow
Sale Manager: Slaughter Sale Management
Submitted by: David Slaughter

Cow/Calf Pairs   $3,416
Bred Heifers       $2,145
Sale Average      $2,854

Beautiful spring weather in Mt. Sterling, Ky., made for a great weekend to host the [ ]

Prairie Hills Gelbvieh Production Sale

Gladstone, N.D.
Sale Manager: Mitchell Marketing Service
Reported by: Brian Rogers

30           Bulls       $3,410
6              Purebred Open Heifers    $2,175
4              Commercial Open Heifers   $1,238

A great crowd was on hand to witness the return of the [ ]

29th Annual ND Gelbvieh Association Golden Rule Sale

Mandan, N.D.
Auctioneer: Ronn Cunningham
Sale Manager: Mitchel Marketing Services
Reported by: Frank Padilla

32           Bulls       $3,650
16           Bred Heifers       $3,138
12           Open Heifers     $2,350

The 29th Annual North Dakota Gelbvieh Association Golden Rule Sale was held [ ]

Seedstock Plus Showcase Sale VII & 4th Annual Customer Appreciation Sale

Kingsville Livestock Auction
Kingsville, Mo.
Auctioneer: Jeremy Anstine
Reported by: John Burbank

1          Pick of Herd    $4,000
1          Flush    $3,600
4          Spring Pairs      $3,388
21        Spring Breds    $2,082
15        Fall Pairs/Breds            $2,242
23        Open Heifers   $1,727
65        Total [ ]