PBRR CHROME 66K2 | 100% Gelbvieh, Homo Black, Homo Polled | Best of Breed Outcross

Breed: 100% Gelbvieh

Prairie Breeze Ranch
Jason Stone
City: Drexel, Missouri
Phone: (913) 206-2092
Email: PrairieBreezeRanch@gmail.com
Registration Number: AMGV1555427
Bull’s Name: Prairie Breeze Ranch
Breed Makeup: 100% Gelbvieh
Where is semen available/contact information for semen sales: Prairie Breeze Ranch

PBRR CHROME 66K2 is an ultra elite Bavarian Black* 100% Gelbvieh Sire, with extreamly hard to find Outcross Genetics. His performance is only rivaled by his High Density Genomic Profile from Calving Ease to Top 1% Feeder Profit Index. He is an AGA AI Approved Sire. Performance: ABW: 64 AWW: 692 AYW: 1085 Herd Book: https://gelbvieh.digitalbeef.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=_animal&file=_animal&animal_registration=AMGV1555427 * Bavarian Black Qualified: - Purebred Gelbvieh - Homo Black & Homo Polled - Best of Breed Phenotype & Genotype