
Feedlot and Carcass Advantages with Balancer® Genetics

Today, feeders favor buying cattle with genetics that predict performance both in the feedyard and on the rail. To help breeders select for these more favorable animals, the American Gelbvieh Association offers a full suite of EPDs for growth and carcass traits. The industry demands an animal that grades Choice or higher, while posting a Yield Grade 1 or 2 carcass. A combination of marbling and a lean meat yield is often not an easy target to hit. Using Gelbvieh and Balancer genetics can help get you there.

Meeting Modern Industry Demands

Genetic Trends

Today, feeders favor buying cattle with predictable performance potential both in the feedyard and on the rail. To help breeders select for these more favorable animals, the American Gelbvieh Association offers FPI™ and Efficiency Profit Index (EPI). Genetic trends for both of these indexes show Gelbvieh and Balancer® cattle becoming more favorable in the feedyard.

Well ranking sires for FPI, which stands for feeder profit index, have higher marbling and carcass weight than their contemporaries. The current average for FPI is $71.68 of potential profit.

Efficiency Profit Index aids producers in selecting more feed efficient cattle that have acceptable amounts of gain. Over time, the AGA genetic trend for EPI has significantly increased to an average of $102.35.