Lincoln, Nebraska – The American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) will host the 2021 AGA National Convention and 50th Anniversary Celebration December 8-10, 2021, in Oklahoma City at the Sheraton Oklahoma City Downtown Hotel.
Gelbvieh enthusiasts will gather in Oklahoma to celebrate the AGA’s golden anniversary and reflect on the Association’s past 50 years. The AGA was formed on June 28, 1971, in Oklahoma, when the AGA founders filed the articles of incorporation. From its beginnings in 1971, spurred by the potential impact found in importing Gelbvieh semen from Germany, the AGA has grown into a progressive beef cattle breed association whose members produce genetics suited for today’s beef industry.
Convention events will include committee meetings, annual meeting, educational workshops, and industry tour of the Stockyards City including the Oklahoma National Stockyards, Shorty’s Caboy Hattery, and Boxcar Woody. The convention will also host the annual Cattlemen’s Profit Roundup educational symposium where industry-leading speakers will discuss the topic of sustainability.
In addition, evening events such as the kick-off reception and the bull pen session will be a great opportunity to mingle with Gelbvieh enthusiasts, share stories, and celebrate this great milestone. Convention rounds out with the awards banquet to celebrate the recipients of the commercial producer of the year and breeder of the year awards as well as honor individuals who have made a lasting impact on the Gelbvieh breed through the AGA Hall of Fame induction.
Oklahoma City, The Modern Frontier™, is known for its combination of Native American history and Western Culture. The convention site, Sheraton Oklahoma City Downtown Hotel, is a short walk from Bricktown’s wealth of dining and entertainment opportunities, which makes it the perfect site to host AGA’s golden anniversary celebration!
Make plans to join the AGA in Oklahoma, December 8-10, 2021, as we celebrate the past 50 years and look toward the next 50. Event registration and details are available on