American Gelbvieh Association Welcomes New Staff
The American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) is pleased to announce the hiring of Rebecca Mettler of Sarcoxie, Missouri, as editorial content coordinator and Megan Slater of Longmont, Colorado as public relations coordinator.
Prior to joining the AGA team, Mettler was a freelance writer for national and regional agricultural publications. Experienced in beef industry association work, Mettler served as DNA coordinator for the Red Angus Association of America in Denton, Texas as well as a membership communications assistant at the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association while attending the University of Missouri (MU) in Columbia, Missouri. Mettler holds bachelor’s degrees in both Agricultural Journalism and Animal Sciences from the University of Missouri.
Mettler was raised on a 400 head commercial cow/calf operation in southwest Missouri and has been involved in the beef industry her entire life. She and her husband, Brant, recently moved back to their home state.
She will be responsible for the editorial content of the Gelbvieh World and The Profit Picture publications and serve as quality assurance for written AGA communications. In the future, she will also be a resource for placing advertising orders.
“I am very excited for the opportunity to work for AGA and am looking forward to continuing to provide the valuable and accurate information that AGA members and stakeholders have come to expect from the association’s publications,” Mettler said.
Slater graduated from Colorado State University (CSU) in May of 2014 with a degree in Animal Science and a minor in Business Administration. While at CSU she was a member of 2013-2014 CSU Seedstock Merchandising Team. During her time on the team, Slater co-chaired the written promotions committee. Those duties included managing the team website, creating and updating a Facebook page, composing and sending out newsletters, and putting together the annual bull sale catalog.
Through her role as AGA public relations coordinator, Slater will focus primarily on the Gelbvieh message. The AGA membership will benefit from her efforts toward assisting AGA affiliates, handling social media content, compiling the AGA membership E-Newsletter and participating in AGA and industry events.
As an intern for the past five months at AGA, Slater has been responsible for building “How To” tutorials to assist AGA members in transitioning to the new registry system, providing content for AGA’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, as well as other communication efforts.
“I am very excited to start full time at the AGA and to continue using my skills and information I’ve learned as communications intern to assist Gelbvieh members and promote the Gelbvieh message,” said Slater.
Mettler may be contacted at 303-465-2333 or by email at
Slater can be reached at or by calling the AGA office at 303-465-2333.